Lead Analyst at Trust in BTC about conspiracy theories and crypto

During the protracted pandemic, the conspiracy theory has found a second wind. With some effort one can find conspiracy ties in almost all modern phenomena, cryptocurrencies have not been spared. Some “great” minds rushed to tie together COVID-19, 5G towers, digital money and social media to build yet another grim blueprint for an impending “brave new world”.

Edgar Jansons, Lead Analyst at Trust in BTC (trust-in-btc.com), commented on similar conspiracy theories:

– I will say right away: I am not an expert in medicine, so we will leave the topic of coronavirus outside the brackets. In my opinion, the issue of 5G and social networks has also been discussed many times. As for digital assets, and bitcoin in particular, the situation here is very interesting.

– Do you really think that bitcoin is a product of the world behind the scenes?

– Personally, I don’t think so, and among the clients of trust-in-bitcoin.com there are very few supporters of this theory. What’s interesting: judging by the reviews, this does not prevent any of them from quite successfully engaging in crypto trading. Regardless of the origin the system works and this is the main thing.

– So are you personally a supporter of the « generally accepted » version?

– Of course. The history of the creation of bitcoin is well known. The failure is with only the first element – Satoshi Nakamoto. The list of candidates for this role is constantly growing. There are even those who believe that Satoshi is artificial intelligence, citing the quality of the BTC code. It would be interesting to look at someone who is at least theoretically capable of creating artificial intelligence of this level … The main point, in my opinion, in this situation is that now it is not so important who wrote this very code. The main thing is how the Bitcoin ecosystem itself and the cryptocurrency market as a whole are developing. And this development now absolutely does not depend on the personality of the creator of bitcoin whether it is Satoshi, the National Security Agency or AI.

– What then is the reason for the persistent exaggeration of such theories?

– Well, firstly, people, in principle, tend to interpret in their own way those phenomena that they do not fully understand. Cryptocurrencies are on everyone’s lips but most do not quite understand how they work. Once we did a little research, and Trust in BTC clients reviews showed that many people are poorly familiar with the technical side of the issue. At first glance, this should not affect the effectiveness of trading but after a series of educational master classes we received very interesting feedback from clients. Almost all participants noted an increase in trading performance. The second point is the tremendous success of the cryptocurrency market. You can criticize the volatility of the exchange rate as much as you like, but what happened in just a few years has changed the world very much before our very eyes. It is difficult to find analogs of influence of such a level in such a short period in history, so “analysts” appear who profoundly assert that all this is not without reason. And thirdly, banal envy.

– Envy?

– Sure. The examples of crypto millionaires are known to everyone and how many of those who simply successfully invest, trade, mine, without getting into the Forbes lists. Cryptocurrencies allowed many to have a decent standard of living without depending on the hateful nine to six jobs. Some of those who did not dare to touch this world are now biting their elbows and inventing excuses for themselves, arguing that they do not want to be slaves of the world behind the scenes. Well, that’s a matter of taste. I will only say that today it is impossible to control digital transactions and the emission of cryptocurrencies, so the question of « slavery » remains open.

– Were there similar types among Trust in BTC clients?

– Fortunately, no. It happens a little differently with us: clients, having started to receive tangible income, regret that they did not get to know the crypto earlier. Although, in my opinion, this is not a problem. It is never too late to enter the digital market, everything depends on a trader himself, his level, passion and desire to make money.

Lead Analyst at Trust in BTC about conspiracy theories and crypto

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